About Indooroopilly

Indooroopilly, located in Queensland, Australia, is a vibrant suburb characterized by a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces. It is renowned for the Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, one of the largest in Brisbane, and features a variety of parks, schools, and convenient transportation options.
About Indooroopilly

Suburb Statistics

* Derived from publicly available listing data over a 12 Month period starting September 01, 2023


373 Total number of listingsin the past 12 months
House listings173
Unit listings200
Median Days On Marketin the past 12 months
Average Sales Pricein the past 12 months


13,622 Total Suburb population
Age Range
5,862 Total Private Dwellings
Owned Ratio:73.12%
Rented Ratio:26.10%
Owned Ratio:32.91%
Rented Ratio:66.60%

Housing Market

House Statistics
Total Sold Properties105
Median Days On Market23
Median Sold Price$1,375,000
Rental Yield3.20%
Median Sold Price Growth14.60%
Vacancy Rate3.56%
Auction Clearance Rate29.00%
Unit Statistics
Total Sold Properties110
Median Days On Market20
Median Sold Price$685,000
Rental Yield4.80%
Median Sold Price Growth14.20%
Vacancy Rate2.18%

Listing Count - 12 Months

Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24Jul '24Aug '2402468101214
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Market Activity in (Indooroopilly), last 12 months

Suburb listings
Number of Listings*158* House & Units
Suburb Rental Properties
Rental Properties*67* During May 2024
Suburb Sold Properties
Sold Properties*215* House & Units

Lifestyle and Amenities

Retail Hub:

Indooroopilly boasts the expansive Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, offering diverse retail options, dining, and entertainment.

Green Spaces:

Residents enjoy access to parks like Witton Barracks and the Brisbane River, providing opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.

Education and Accessibility:

The suburb is home to reputable schools and benefits from excellent transportation links, enhancing overall convenience and quality of life.

Lifestyle and Amenities
Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Property Market:

Indooroopilly's real estate market offers investment potential with a mix of residential properties, from apartments to houses, catering to diverse tenant and buyer demographics.

Commercial Developments:

The suburb's commercial landscape, including the thriving Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, presents opportunities for retail and business investments.

Proximity to Brisbane:

Its strategic location near Brisbane, coupled with strong infrastructure, makes Indooroopilly an attractive area for long-term investment, benefiting from the region's economic growth.

Unique Characteristics

Heritage Charm:

Indooroopilly features historic sites like the Witton Barracks, providing a blend of modern amenities with a touch of heritage, contributing to the suburb's unique character.

Riverfront Appeal:

Situated along the Brisbane River, Indooroopilly offers picturesque river views and recreational opportunities, adding a scenic and serene dimension to its distinctive charm.

Unique Characteristics